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  • 南京天泉云都大酒店

    高档型酒店 收藏酒店
  • 酒店地址:南京溧水区天生桥大道388号时代国际广场西楼 查看地图
  • 预订电话:400-699-8818
  • Yen说:
    2019-11-26 19:28
    The hotel is very new, the parking is convenient, the room is large, the environment is quiet and elegant, the buffet breakfast is good, the service is good, the hotel is very satisfied with the experience, the price is high, and there is a chance to stay in this place!
  • Yen说:
    2019-11-26 19:27
    I stayed at Tianquan Yundu Hotel Nanjing for 2 days ,Hotel environment can be, very clean.
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